Sri Lanka Tourism was endorsed by World Health Organization and World Tourism Council in its commitment to carry out sustainable, safe & secure operational protocols in the new norm. Accordingly, Sri Lanka Tourism initiated a very thorough set of guidelines which are on par with world’s best safety protocols.

KPMG-Sri Lanka & Ernest & Young-Sri Lanka were appointed as the independent professional bodies to carry out and conduct assessments for registered tourism service providers who are willing to undergo the audit process.

The Travel Concierge Sri Lanka, having fulfilled all requirements since August last year, was waiting for the right time to restart our operation and simultaneously undergo the most updated health & safety protocol audit. Having done a closer evaluation of the available protocols, comfort & safety of our guests, safety of our front-line staff and of the general public, we are now excited to restart our sales and marketing efforts to welcome clients to Sri Lanka under the new norm. We are glad that we undertook the most updated audit by KPMG-Sri Lanka and was certified by Sri Lanka Tourism.

Key areas which we have documented:

  • Agreements with the transport supplier,  Guide, Driver with regards to individual responsibilities and providing safety items /gears.
  • Daily Temperature and syndrome checklist.
  • Health & Safety Check List for national and chauffer guides. (Pre tour, during tour and post tour.)
  • Health & Safety Check List for driver and assistant to follow for detailed disinfection process of the vehicle on daily basis at each stop.(Pre and Post tour preparations too)
  • Action plan for COVID 19 suspected guests.
  • Client’s declaration form & noncompliance policy to visit Sri Lanka.
  • Key guidelines to follow during the tour for the tour crew. 
  • Clinical Waste Disposal Policy.
  • Training sessions for guides and tour crew.

For more information on the protocols, you can check out the below key links.

Safety protocols

Traveler’s guide

Health and safety etiquettes followed by us

For further information and bookings, contact Wilam direct at TTC Sri Lanka

Are you following us on Instagram?

Follow us on Instagram @thetravelconciergesrilanka

Booking enquires         WhatsApp           +94 71 116 1020

Sales enquires                  Laahiru Jayamanne, Director

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